As the world rapidly seeks to reduce dependence on climate-damaging fossil fuels, Solar PV provides a vital part of the clean, renewable energy transformation. In recent years innovations within this fast-evolving industry have drastically reduced the costs, making Solar PV not only affordable but also often the cheapest form of generating electricity Solar PV installations can be configured to provide electricity on a commercial scale, or in smaller set-ups for domestic use. These systems can be further supported by integrating energy storage solutions allowing consumers to store the electricity generated for later consumption or to sell back to the grid.
Solar PV
Your go to Solar PV supplier, designer & installer
We can take your business to the next level
We can assess the viability of our roof or ground space for Solar PV installation, providing an estimate of how many panels will fit within the space, and giving an indication of the amount of electricity that could typically be produced. Our Solar PV team has extensive design and installation experience within a diverse range of settings including farm buildings, factory units/warehouses, golf clubs, swimming pools, schools and manufacturing plants.
We can create off-grid solutions, which are generally used in rural areas for those consumers who wish to be independent from the grid, providing them with increased energy resilience and stability.
Commercial Solar PV
10 – 150 kW Solar PV Systems
Full design and energy production modelling
Install and commissioning service
Full O & M Pack
DNO Applications
Domestic Solar PV
Full design and install service
On roof and In roof mounting systems
1 – 5 kW solar PV systems
Full MCS certification
Hybrid PV/Battery System installation
Recent customers we have worked with
Recent Solar PV Case Studies